“Former Bengaluru IPS officer Bhaskar Rao advises UPSC aspirants to prioritize their well-being by considering Plan B after three unsuccessful attempts. Highlighting the pressures and financial burdens associated with exam preparation, Rao calls for a balanced approach to pursuing dreams while valuing life and the future beyond competitive exams.”
The recent tragedy at Delhi’s Rau’s IAS Study Circle, where three UPSC aspirants lost their lives, has sparked a national debate over the immense pressures faced by individuals preparing for competitive exams. In response to this unfortunate incident, former Bengaluru police commissioner and IPS officer Bhaskar Rao has shared important advice for young aspirants: consider having a Plan B.
Importance of a Backup Plan
Bhaskar Rao, a respected figure in the Indian Police Service, took to X (formerly Twitter) to address UPSC aspirants. He emphasized the significance of having a backup plan if candidates do not clear the UPSC Civil Services Examination within three attempts. Drawing from his own experience, Rao shared, “Dearest Young Friends, I passed my UPSC Civil Services Examination in my THIRD attempt in 1989. More brilliant friends of mine didn’t pass this exam but are doing well in life. Dearest Children, Your Life, Family, & Future are more valuable & important than any examination or job.”
Rao’s message underscores the importance of prioritizing one’s well-being and future over the societal pressure to clear the exam at any cost. He cautioned against wasting one’s most productive years repeatedly attempting the exam without success, suggesting that after three attempts, it might be time to explore alternative career paths.
Criticism of Coaching Centers
In his post, Bhaskar Rao also criticized coaching centers, referring to them as “hoax hope factories.” He expressed concern about the unrealistic expectations set by these centers, stating, “These Exams will make a 31-year-old kid a Life Failure, which is not the Truth. Please don’t waste Lakhs of Rupees on Coaching Centers, which are hoax-hope Hope Factories. Life is precious.”
This critique reflects the financial and emotional burden that many aspirants and their families face due to the high costs associated with exam preparation. Rao’s remarks highlight the need for aspirants to evaluate the value of such investments and the pressures they may inadvertently create.
The Tragedy at Rau’s IAS Study Circle
The incident at Rau’s IAS Study Circle has brought to light the harsh living conditions and intense pressure faced by UPSC aspirants in New Delhi. The tragedy involved the death of a 26-year-old woman who was an aspirant herself. In her note, she called for reduced corruption in government exams, more job creation for youth, and lower rents in student accommodations. This plea reflects the systemic issues that exacerbate the stress experienced by candidates.
A Call for Balance and Well-Being
Bhaskar Rao’s advice comes at a crucial time, urging UPSC aspirants to value their lives and mental health above all else. He reminds them that while clearing the UPSC exam is a prestigious achievement, it should not be pursued at the expense of one’s well-being and future. His message is a call for a more balanced approach, encouraging aspirants to consider alternative career paths if the exam remains elusive after multiple attempts.
In conclusion, while the UPSC Civil Services Examination is a significant milestone for many, it is essential to remember that success in life is not solely defined by this exam. Bhaskar Rao’s advice serves as a reminder that one’s life and future hold greater value than any examination. As the nation reflects on the recent tragedy and its implications, Rao’s words offer guidance and hope for those navigating the challenging journey of UPSC preparation.
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